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  • 1. si, me gustaria
    would, yes i
    2. donde queda la avenida este?
    is east avenue where?
    3. usted sabe?
    do know you?
    4. donde te gustaria comer?
    like would eat to you where?
    5. en un restaurante
    restaurant a in
    6. me gustaria comer tambien
    too eat to like i´d
    7. cuando te gustaria comer?
    to you like when eat would?
    8. no quiero hacerlo
    i dont to want
    9. Me gustaria tomar algo tambien
    like to something drink to i´d too have
    10. te gustaria beber algo en un restaurante?
    a in you have would something like to to drink restaurant?
    11. pero me gustaria comer algo tambien
    to too something eat i´d have but to like