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    I'm a drink that many people enjoy with breakfast. You can have a cup of me or a glass of me. What am I?

    [Pista de audio]

    I'm a sweet treat that comes in a box. You can eat one, two, or many of me. What am I?

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    I'm a type of fruit, and you can eat me during the summer. You can count me one by one. What am I?

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    I'm a type of food that you often eat with bread. You can spread me on toast. What am I?

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    I'm a piece of furniture in the living room. You can sit on me or sleep on me. What am I?

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    I'm a beverage that you usually find in a can. You can drink me when you're thirsty. What am I?

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    I'm a vegetable that is green and crunchy. You can put me in a salad. What am I?

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    I'm a type of meat that comes from a pig. You can have a slice of me in a sandwich. What am I?

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    I'm a type of music that you can listen to on your phone. You can download different songs of me. What am I?

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    I'm a type of weather that comes with rain. You can use an umbrella to stay dry. What am I?