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most violent of all storms; small area of impact for a relatively short time; rotating, very low pressure funnel that hangs from the clouds

heavy rainstorms accompanied by thunder and lightening

storm with winds of at lease 35 mph with lots of falling or blowing snow

movement of air masses along the polar fronts result in the formation of low pressure storms associated with thunderstorms, tornados and ahil

large summer and fall storms that form over tropical waters with sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour

violent or severe disturbance of the atmosphere that usually creates dangerous, destructive or unpleasant conditions on Earth's surface





cyclonic storms


symbol that represents a site's weather variables for a specific time of day

as air temperature gets closer to the dew point

greater the air pressure gradient

as temperature increases

rapidly falling air pressure indicates


reflects electromagnetic waves to give information about precipitation and clouds

visual and infrared images from space that show location and size of storms

satellite images

air pressure decreases

chance of precipitation increases


higher the wind speeds

station model

storm approaching


southwest wind, mostly cloudy

southeast wind between 15 and 20 mph; mostly cloudy

northeast wind between 20-25 mph

southeast wind with a barometric pressure of 1000.2

northwest wind, completely cloudy