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was a Winning cake piece of the fight.
2. To accept the consequences for sth you’ve done
of run After , the away the facing actions president instead the music his for scandal.
3. to accept and try to live with sth difficult
to of the resigned president bite and scandal the the company decide bullet After the.
4. to deal with a difficult situation bravely
noise the by the decided horns to my about confronted the bull and I take neighbours.
5. to believe sth to be truth without even thinking about it.
I that granted took were you doctor a for.
6. to improvise , to do something without a plan.
I ear play by so it didn’t the presentation to have to I time prepare had.
7. to inform sb about new develoments in a situation
worry I’ll , keep If let happens. know you Don’t I’ll you anything posted.
8. to a large degree
English he got has by improved , Ever bounds her leaps that since teacher and.
9. To be very happy
he over he moon the won learned lottery when was had the He.
10. have a similar understanding of something
a is the we on, to decision want I Before make make same sure everybody page.