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in the city centre

a block of flats

in the countryside

a bungalow

on a housing estate

in a village

a detached house

in the suburbs

a terraced house

a semi-detached house

a cottage

near the sea

a small, cozy house in the countryside or by the sea.

a row of houses that are all connected to each other.

a house that shares one wall with another house.

living in a small community in the countryside.

living in the main part of a city where there are many shops and businesses.

living outside of the city, usually in a residential area.

living in rural areas away from cities and towns.

a small, one-story house with a low-pitched roof.

a single-family home that is not connected to any other houses.

close to the ocean or beach.

living in a planned community with many houses built together.

a large building divided into separate apartments for multiple families.