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1. This photo could have been taken in
foto Epodría Een EEsta Ehaberse Ehecho
2. Many Spanish speaking countries are developping
hispanohablantes Mdesarrollo Men Mde MMuchos Mestán Mvías Mpaíses. M. M. M
3. therefore many developed countries have moved there their factories*
otros pallí ppor pdesarrollados ppaíses pque psus pfábricas plo phan pmovido
4. Now they suffer a lot of pollution
ahora asufren acontaminación amucha
5. Many people don't know it's bad for the environment but others don't mind about environmental problems
importancia los a ambiente problemas medio el no no dan ambiente otras que personas medio malo para pero del saben es Muchas le.
6. It's an attitude problem. People are very lazy and don't care about anything.
y egente eproblema eno ede, e emuy enada ees evaga eimporta ela eactitud ees ele eun. e
7. So animals don't have much space to live.
tienen Así espacio animales vivir que tanto no los para.
8. Humans have destroyed their natural habitat to create more space for farms or use wood.
destruido Lhan Lmás Lcrear Lmadera Lsu Lespacio Lla Lgranjas Lhumanos Lpara Lpara Lnatural Llas Lpara Lo Lhábitat Lusar LLos. L L
9. Another important factors are: pollution, the increase in the ocean temperature or the imbalance in the food chain.
importantes Ocontaminación Oalimentación Ode: O Oocéanos OOtros, O Odesequilibrio Otemperatura Ocadena Ode Ola Oaumento Ode Ode Oel Oel Ola Ofactores Ola Oo Oson Olos. O O
10. On the one hand, many people in developed countries only care about their richness.
en Pun Pde, P Plado Ppersonas Ppaíses Psolamente Ppreocupan Pse PPor Pdesarrollados Priqueza Psu Pmuchas. P
11. On the other hand, in many developing countries people worry to survive.
preocupa Pla Ppor, P Pen Psobrevivir PPor Pvías Pdesarrollo Potro Plado Pse Pde Ppaíses Pen Pgente.
12. The way I see it, solar energy is the best renewable energy because many countries have a lot of solar light and it's relatively easy to install.
energía Cpaíses Creutilizable Csolar, C Ces Cy Cla Cyo Ces Cmejor Cveo Cinstalar Cde Clo Cluz Cla Cfácil Csolar Crelativamente Cmucha Cenergía Ctienen Cmuchos Cporque CComo. C
13. This type of energy is quite well known and people don't have problems that other energies may have
energías Etipo Ede Ela Eno Ebastante Eotras Econocido Epueden Ees Eque Eproblemas Eenergía Etener Epone EEste Ey Egente. E
14. The way I see it, it's important we all help.
Como Cimportante Ctodos Ces, C Cque Cyo Clo Cayudemos Cveo. C
15. If we all do a bit, the su is very important.
hacemos Sla Stodos SSi Smuy, S Sun Ssuma Simportante Ses Spoco. S
16. Governments can change toxic gases regulations, put quotas on overfishing, as some examples.
como Lpueden Lcuotas Lgases Lla Llos Ltóxicos Lalgunos LLos Lsobrepesca, L Len Lgobiernos Lla Lregulación Lde, L Lejemplos Lcambiar Lponer. L
17. One things that differentiates NIST is that they have installed bins for electronic devices. This is not very usual.
aparatos Uque Upara Udiferencia Uhan Ua Uno UEsto Ucosa Ues Uusual UNIST Umuy Ues Uque. U Uelectrónicos Utus Ucontenedores UUna Uinstalado. U