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is WWhere Wboathouse Wthe? W
2. health lodge
the Whealth WWhere Wis Wlodge? W
3. Where is the school?
office Tis TThe Tthe Tfrom Tschool Tpost Tacross. T
4. Where is the cat?
behind Tbox Tis Tcat TThe Tthe. T
5. Where is the wallet?
wallet Ton Ttable Tis Tthe TThe. T
6. The barber shop is next to the market.
is WWhere Wshop Wthe Wbarber? W
7. Where is the stadium?
stadium Tthe Tof TThe Tfront Thospital Tin Tis. T
8. Where is the health lodge?
The Tcabins Tthe Tbehind Thealthlodge Tis. T
9. Where is the bakery?
The Tacross Tfrom Tbookstore Tis Tbakery Tthe. T
10. Where is the church?
is Tof TThe Tfront Tthe Tschool Tchurch Tin. T