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imperious, as in "And she did not say it either in her hard little voice or in her imperious Indian voice, but in a tone so soft..."

indignant, as in ""I don't know what it is to be hungry," said Mary, with the indifference of ignorance. Martha looked indignant."

subservient, as in "If Martha had been a well-trained fine young lady's maid she would have been more subservient and respectful..."

victuals, as in "I can't stand to see good victuals go to waste."

pinafore, as in "I wish Dickon and Phil an' Jane an' th' rest of 'em had what's here (the breakfast) under their pinafores.""

affectionate, as in "If Mary had been an affectionate child, who had been used to being loved, she would have broken her heart..."

When you feel upset or annoyed because you think something is not right.

Acting like a boss, even when you're not in charge.

A type of apron that covers both the front and back of your clothes. It’s usually worn by children.

When you’re warm, loving, and kind to others.

Being prepared to obey orders without daring to ask questions.

An old-fashioned word for food/provisions.