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Jugar Ordenar Palabras
1. Introducing myself / a friend
friend Tmy T____ TThis Tis. T
2. Introducing my friend.
Meet Mfriend Mmy M___. M
3. Introducing my friend.
Let L_____ Lfriend Lintroduce Lmy Lme. L
4. How did you meet?
met Wschool Wat WWe. W
5. How did you meet?
met Wacademy Wat WWe. W W
6. We met at academy.
did Hyou HHow Hmeet? H
7. Similar
in Wdo Whave Wyou Wcommon WWhat? W
8. What do you have in common?
We Wmusic Wboth Wlike Wsame Wthe. W
9. What do you have in common?
both Wlike W'Titanic' Wthe WWe Wmovie. W
10. What do you have in common?
Valorant Wboth Wlike WWe. W
11. Meeting
you Hmeet HHow Hdid? H
12. Meeting
meet Wyou Wdid WWhere? W
13. Common interest
in Whave Wdo WWhat Wcommon Wyou? W
14. Common interest
common Dhave Din DDo Dyou Dthings? D
15. Common Interests
We Wto Wpiano Wlike Wthe Wplay Wboth. W