One of the causes why refugees tend to emigrate.
It is one of the measures adopted by an organization intended to help refugees.
Constitución que extendía los derechos de ciudadanía a todos los habitantes del Imperio.
People have moved from one place to another.
One of the benefits of migrations...
Hecho cultural durante el reinado de Justiniano.
One of the personal reason why inmigrants decide to leave their countries.
Hecho jurídico ocurrido en tiempos de Justiniano.
Opportunities that inmigrants peoplo tend to look for...
Type of migration that takes place in China.
Prohibición de representación de imágenes religiosas.
Inmigrants are usually very young people.
Political beliefs.
Construcción de la catedral de Santa Sofía.
Internal migration.
Aprobación del código de Justiniano.
Jobs and good educational systems.
Adapt them to their new homes.