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Alpha 1 Blockers (-zosin, Ex: Doxazosin, Prazosin)

ARBs (-sartan ex: Losartan, Valsartan, Irbesartan)

Alpha/Beta Blockers (-lol, Ex: Carvedilol, Labetalol)

Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonists (Clonidine/Catapres & Methyldopa/Aldomet)

Directing Acting Vasodilators (Hydralazine)

ACE Inhibitors (-pril ex: Lisinopril, Captopril)

Beta 1 blockers (-olol, Ex: Atenolol, Metropolol, etc.)

Calcium Channel Blockers (-dipine, Ex: Nifedipine, Amlodipine)

Adrenergic Neuron Blockers (Reserpine)

Direct Renin Inhibitors (Aliskiren)

Treats Hypertension, but is not the first line of choice due to severe side effects -NEVER PRESCRIBE TO PATIENTS W/ Hx of DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS

-Treats HTN(All meds in this category) -Prevents Stroke (only one med in this category) -Manages Diabetic Nephropathy (2 meds in category)

-Treats Hypertension -Treats Heart Failure - Prolongs Chance of Survival Following M.I

Moderate-Severe Hypotension -HTN Crisis (IV Form) Used with Digoxin and other meds in this category to treat heart failure on short-term basis

-Treats: Hypertension, Heart Failure, Diabetic Nephropathy, and left ventricular dysfunction following M.I

-Treats Hypertension -Severe pain relief (administered by epidural infusion) -ADHD

-Treats Mild-Moderate Hypertension -Treats Stable (exertional) angina and variant (vasospastic) anginas

-Treats Hypertension -Treats Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH: urinary frequency, urinary urgency and dysuria)

Treats hypertension Hint: The only medication in this class

-Reduction in HR -Decreased contractile Force -HTN -Decreased Mortality Following M.I -Angina Pectoris -Cardiac Dysrhythmias -Heart Failure

ARBs (-sartan ex: Losartan)

Adrenergic Neuron Blockers (Reserpine)

Alpha 1 Blockers (-zosin, Ex: Doxazosin, Prazosin)

Alpha/Beta Blockers (-lol, Ex: Carvedilol, Labetalol)

Direct Renin Inhibitors (Aliskiren)

ACE Inhibitors (-pril ex: Lisinopril, Captopril)

Calcium Channel Blockers (-dipine, Ex: Nifedipine, Amlodipine)

Directing Acting Vasodilators (Hydralazine)

Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonists (Clonidine/Catapres & Methyldopa/Aldomet)

Beta 1 blockers (-olol, Ex: Atenolol, Metropolol, etc.)

Reflex tachycardia causing increased anginal pain, headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, flushing, peripheral edema, arrhythmias, GINGIVAL HYPERPLASIA

-Fluid retention, edema, abrupt withdrawal can cause HTN crisis & HF -SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS-high doses (butterfly rash...) -Reflex Tachycardia

-Severe hypotension following first dose: common in clients with sever hypertension -Hyperkalemia, neutropenia, angioedema, dry non-productive cough

Severe depression and risk of suicide (can linger after discontinuation) -bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, diarrhea, abdominal cramping

-Angioedema (occurs less with this category of meds but still a potential risk) -Headache, dizziness, hypotension, insomnia

-Hyperkalemia, cough, angioedema (swelling of face, mouth, throat, diarrhea, abdominal pain: MORE LIKELY IN HIGH DOSES)

-Dizziness, hypotension, bradycardia due to blockade of receptors, may reduced CO(cardiac output) -Postural hypotension -EXACERBATION IN ASTHMA

-Bradycardia (may lead to decrease CO) -Heart Failure & symptoms -Rebound excitation w/ sudden withdrawal of meds in client w/ CHD (angina or M.I)

-CNS effects (drowsiness, dizziness, Xerostomia: dry mouth) -Rebound HTN crisis may occur if discontinued abruptly

Orthostatic hypotension (especially w/ first dose and dosage increase), -Reflex tachycardia, headache of dizziness