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Louis and Hannah just got married. They have been together for two years. They don’t have any children but plan to have a baby as soon as possible.

Abbey and Peter have recently retired and now plan to spend their time traveling around the country in an RV and enjoying each other.

Amy and Bob have been married for twenty-seven years. They have three children – Josh who is 9. Jesse who is 19, and Lauren who is 24.

Roger and Laurie have a sixteen year old daughter named Briley.

Monica and Jon just got married last week. They already had a nine month old daughter when they got married.

Phillip and Skye have a three week old baby. It’s their first child together and Skye doesn’t feel like her husband is helping her out enough.

Charles and Tina don’t have any children. They are 63 and 67 years old. They have saved enough money to sell their home and move to the beach.

Erin and Jordan got married last month. It was the first marriage for both partners.

Mike and Susan have a five year old son name Brandon that just began kindergarten. Susan is pregnant with their second child.

Josh is moving out of his parents’ home. He is 19 and has never lived away from home.

Child Bearing



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Single Person

Child Bearing

Child Bearing