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1 a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction
2 codename for an invasion of Iraq begun in 2003 by a coalition of forces led by the US and that resulted in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime
3 the codename for the US-led UN operation to liberate Kuwait from Iraq (1991)
4 Arab militant leader and founder of Al-Queda. Suspected leader of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington of September 11, 2001. Killed by US Special Forces in Pakistan in 2011.
5 leader of Iraq from 1979-2003. He led Iraq into the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) and the Persian Gulf War (1991) but was taken out of power and captured by the US-led invasion of 2003. He was executed in 2006.
6 an essay in a newspaper or magazine that gives the opinions of its editors or publishers
7 the fact of being in a particular place
8 an act of entering as an enemy, especially by an army
9 a Muslim fundamentalist group that took control of the government of Afghanistan in 1996. Suspected to have been protecting Osama bin-Laden, they were overthrown by the US in 2001. They continue to fight to regain control.
10 a radical Islamic group organized by Osama bin Laden in the 1990s to engage in terrorist activities.