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[Pista de audio]

What's your profession, Mark?

[Pista de audio]

Do you have any leisure activities you enjoy?

[Pista de audio]

What's your income level?

[Pista de audio]

What do you like to do in your free time?

[Pista de audio]

What's your education level?

[Pista de audio]

What social group do you belong to?

[Pista de audio]

Have you ever tried sushi before?

[Pista de audio]

How would you describe your cultural background?

[Pista de audio]

Do you have any dietary restrictions?

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Where do you live?

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I'm a teacher. How about you?

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I make around $50,000 a year. How about you?

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Yes, I'm a vegetarian. How about you?

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No, I haven't. How is it?

[Pista de audio]

I love reading books. How about you?

[Pista de audio]

I'm from a small town in the Midwest. How about you?

[Pista de audio]

I love playing basketball. How about you?

[Pista de audio]

I live in a small apartment in the city center.

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I'm part of a book club. How about you?

[Pista de audio]

I have a bachelor's degree in engineering. How about you?