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[Pista de audio]

Film Buff

[Pista de audio]


[Pista de audio]

Tech Geek

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[Pista de audio]

Artistic Soul

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[Pista de audio]

Green Thumb

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Sports Enthusiast

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Someone who enjoys exploring nature by walking in the countryside or mountains.

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A person who is passionate about movies, often watching a wide range of films and discussing cinematic techniques.

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A person who follows the latest trends in fashion, music, and culture, often seeking unique and unconventional styles.

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Someone who is enthusiastic about technology and computers, often possessing a deep knowledge of technical subjects.

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Someone who is passionate about playing video games, often spending a lot of time immersed in virtual worlds.

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A person who practices yoga regularly, focusing on physical and mental well-being.

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A member of a subculture characterized by a dark and moody aesthetic, often dressed in black clothing and enjoying music with dark themes.

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A person who is a fan of motorcycles and often participates in biking events or rides.

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Someone who has a strong interest in sports and actively follows and participates in various athletic activities.

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A person who is a fan of rock music and often has a distinctive rebellious and edgy appearance.

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A person who is passionate about fashion and follows the latest clothing trends closely.

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A person with a strong creative inclination, often involved in various forms of artistic expression like painting, drawing, or writing.

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A person who loves reading and spends a significant amount of time engrossed in books.

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Someone with a talent for gardening and growing plants, often having a lush and beautiful garden.

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Someone who has a deep interest in food, often seeking out new and unique culinary experiences.