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1. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
Goyo Pevery Pto Pyear Pofferings PMarch PDon Pmake PAugust PXalitzintla Pto Pfrom Pfrom PPeople. P
2. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
villagers Tpreserve Tan Tancestral TPopocatépetl Tfor Tceremony TThe. T
3. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
this Ras RResidents Rtequila Rsuch Rof Ror Rfruits Rtributes, R Rmole Roffer Rvillage. R
4. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
Popocatépetl Tbrings Tdrink Tpulque Tgifts TThe Tlike, T Ta Ttraditional Tcommunity. T
5. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
at Tvolcano Tof Tlive Tthe Tbase TThese Tpeople Tthe. T
6. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
and Flocals Fneeds, F Fvolcano Fthe Frecognition Fthe FFor Fcompany. F
7. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
show Trecognition Tthe TThe Tand Tlocals Tvolcano Tgratitude. T
8. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
a Tcave Tin Tceremony Tparticipate Tmouth Tthe Tnear Tof Tvolcano TThey Tin Ta Tthe. T
9. Arrange the sentences considering the position of direct and indirect objects.
good Pgives Pa Pharvest Pthem PPopocatépetl. P