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Bronchospasm, nausea, vomiting, rash. Medication smells like rotten eggs. (An expected finding.)




Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists

Acts directly on the medullary cough center of the brain to depress the cough reflex, temporarily relieving cough.


Inhaled Steroids

Pulmonary disorders Wthick mucous secretions (cystic fibrosis). Antidote for acetominophen OD. Breaks up mucus. Use cautiously with asthma.

Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)

Antitussives - Therapeutic Actions

IND: Nausea & vomiting. Thera Act: Selectively block the effects of histamine at the histamine-1 receptor sites, decreasing the allergic response.

Treats asthma & chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.PT: Take f.g. H2O empty stomach, 1hr b4/2hr after meal. AVOID eating or drinking lrg amts caff.

Resp. infect caugh. TA: Loosening mucus in the airways & productive coughs. Pharmacokenetics: Administered orally. SE: GI upset, dizziness.

Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)

Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) Patient Teachings

Nasal decongestants for the treatment of allergic rhinitis & conjunctivitis. TA: Mimic/stimulate adrenergic nervous system.

Block the effect of leukotrienes or stop your body from producing them.

TS: Decrease edema & inflammation of the nasal membranes. Relieves discomfort. Most common SE: CNS disturbances(agitation, insomnia, tremors, anxiety)


Block the action of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

To treat asthma & COPD.