Crear actividad
Jugar Ordenar Palabras
1. I will give you the first word of the sentence by capitalizing it.
El el de de hermano veintinueve cumpleaños febrero es mi
2. I know these kind of things can be challenging and the person next to you is tearing it up....just hang in there!
atlética Mi muy un y es loca familia poco
3. You did it! Try this one. Some parts of a sentence can be put in more than one place. However, since this game has limits, I have to choose. I am giving you a hint on how it begins by capitalizing the word.
y los yo de fines amigos al Mis semana balonesto jugamos
4. ¡Eres un genio! Again, I have capitalized the first word for you.
gusta verano el familia con a durante la mi ir Me playa
5. There are two words capitalized here, but one is a proper noun, so don't start with it.
llama un y es Gordito que negro con perro se Tengo blancas manchas.