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You ask questions to understand the issue when a customer says they're paying for a terminal that doesn't work.

Example of Taking Ownership

Listen, clarify, empathize, take ownership, and connect with the customer.

Example of Active Listening

A customer is continually interrupting. You wait so long after the customer has finished speaking to respond that they ask if you're still there.

The customer is talking about their daughter's wedding and the costs of the dress and caterer. You do not respond to any of their personal comments.

A merchant's business is in your hometown. You tell the merchant you are from there and ask if they've always lived there/moved/etc.

Example of NOT Communicating Clearly

Example of NOT Actively Listening

Example of Creating a Connection

Stay present, attentive, and engaged during difficult conversations so that you can achieve the results the customer is looking for.

Example of NOT Creating a Connection

You minimize your team chat threads and email while on a call.

A merchant has multiple increases on their account. You do not clarify which increases the customer would like to address before offering a solution.

You are online shopping while on a call with a customer.

Example of Empathizing

Example of NOT Empathizing

Example of Communicating Clearly

To manage difficult conversations, you must...

A customer is crying on the call due to the addition of a PCI fee. You respond by telling the customer they need to take an SAQ to remove the fee.

Soft skills help you to...

Example of NOT Taking Ownership

A customer continually interrupts you. You wait then assure the customer you can meet their needs and redirect the conversation toward a solution.

You assure an upset customer that you understand and proactively address questions you think they may have as you discuss their rates.