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In this forest, you'll see many types of trees,

Children often learn behaviour from the adults around them.

Many L3 students prefer to do online activities

More and more people are leading lazy life styles due to work conditions.

Parents should be responsible for teaching their children right and wrong.

Global warming should be taken more serious as it can result in a number of disastrous consequences.

To illustrate, children who are brought up by angry parents often use violancen to solve their own problems later in life.

If, for example, they see their child using bad language, they should spend time explaining to their child the serious consequences that can result from this type of behaviour.

To give a clear example, the melting polar ice caps have not only caused a loss of habitat for polar bears but are also threatening seas levels worldwide.

Take for example office workers in the UK who spend at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week sitting in front of their computers.

Like computer games, chatting or posting on social media.

such as pine and spruce.