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Bob: But twenty's definitely too many! Stefanie:

Bob: That's far too many. We only need about ten! Stefanie:

Bob: How many tins of paint did you buy? Stefanie:

Bob: I don't know. It's strange. Stefanie:

Bob: He's the reason why we have too much paint then. Stefanie:

Bob: No, but I haven't got much more to do. Stefanie:

Bob: Do you mean that part above the window? Stefanie:

Bob: Of course! I just left the darker part in the shape of a heart as a sign of how much I love you. Stefanie: Bob: With pleasure. I told you it was too much paint!

Bob: Don't worry. I can paint the wall again. Stefanie:

Bob: I don't think I did. Peter said it looked fine. Stefanie:

Bob: But I can do it. Just give me one more chance. Stefanie:

He was just doing his job and, speaking of jobs, have you finished painting Joe's room?

Let's have a look... Do you see the area in the shape of a heart up there? What's that?

Can you paint so that the whole wall is the same shade of blue?

The man in the shop said it was better to have too much paint than too little.

Well, he doesn't live here!


It looks like you used a lot more paint at the top of the wall than at the bottom.

Hmm, really? Take these tins of paint and put them in the car so we can take them back to the shop.

I thought that would be too few.

No. Don't make any more changes. Let's find a proper painter instead.

Yes, it looks darker than the rest of the wall. How did that happen?