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Increasing Returns to Scale


Perfectly Competitive

Market Clearing

Perfectly Price Discriminating Monopoly

Exogenous Shock

Tax Incidence

Pareto Efficient

Average Cost Curve

Single Price Monopoly

Deadweight Loss

Marginal Cost Curve

Reservation Wage

the lowest wage rate a worker would be willing to accept for any given job

An inefficient market allocation generates less surplus than a Pareto efficient allocation because of this phenomenon

A price where there is no excess supply or demand.

An equilibrium where a change in price or quantity would make either the supplier or the consumer worse off

A force outside of the market that influences supply and/or demand

A market with a large number of buyers and sellers that can freely enter and exit.

The zero-profit isoprofit curve

The effect of a 1% change in price on the quantity demanded

A market with only one supplier and a set price for all consumers

The distribution of a tax across consumers and suppliers

The firm’s supply curve

When production inputs double, output more than doubles

A market with one supplier where the price is unique to each consumer and maximizes the individual’s willingness to pay