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1. 1. Making a good impression is really important. What ___________.
is is impression really a important making good.
2. 2. A friend of mine offered to help the manager. Something ______________.
a aoffer aof afriend amanager amine adid awas ahelp athe ato. a a
3. 3. My sister introduced herself to everyone. What ______________.
sister mherself mwas meveryone mto mintroduce mmy mdid. m m
4. 4. Smile - that's the best thing you can do. The _____________
smile bbest bcan bis byou bthing bdo. b b
5. 5. I would try to listen and learn from your co-workers. What _____________.
from Ico Iand Ito Iworkers Ilearn Imy Itry Iis II Ido Iwould- Ilisten. I I
6. 6. I like to find out as much about the job as possible before starting . What _______
job Ibefore Ido Ifind Iout Ithe Istarting Ias Imuch Ito Ipossible Ito Ias Iabout Ilike Iis II. I I