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1. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
and Itrash Iturn Irecycle Ito Ivideo Iuseful Isomething II Iit Ithis Ibecause Ilearnt Ilike II Ihow Iinto. I
2. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
their, Y Ywear Ymodels YYes Yvegetables Yenough Ythey Ybecause Yare Ybodies Ybrave Ythe Ylike YI Yon. Yto
3. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
interesting, Y Yis Yfunny Yso Yand YI, Y YYes Ythis Yvideo Ylike Yit. Y
4. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
I Iunderstand Idon't Ibecause Ivideo Italking Inot Iis Iit Iwhat Ithis Ido Iabout Ilike II. I
5. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
video AAnother Areason Ais Aviewers Athe Athat Aknow Awhat Ato AI Ado Aconvey Anot Ato Athe Awants. A
6. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
will I"Two II, I IIn Iopinion ISloths IBecause Ivideo IDisaster Ithe I" Iname ISeparated Imy IA. IOf
7. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
I Iproduct Ivery Igo Ithis Iuseful Icamping Iyou Ithink Iwhen Iis. I
8. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
are Pand Pvery Pthe Pthirsty Pwater Pyou Pdrinkable Pit Puseful PPuribag, P Puse Pbecause Pto Pconvenient Pmake Pis Pcan Pwhen Pyou. P
9. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
it Pcontaminated Pand Pstore Peasily Pbecause Pfilter, P Pawesome Pis Pfreshwater Ptreat Pcan PPuribag. P
10. Arrange the words to make the sentence correct.
is TThis Tmudwater T2 Timpurities Tin Tit Tspecial Tcan Tmany Tbecause Tfilter Tless Tproduct Thours Tin Tthan. T