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Easily affected or influenced by external factors or emotional stimuli; having heightened awareness or perception of one's surroundings or others' emotions.

Able to be trusted or relied upon; consistently reliable and responsible; able to fulfill commitments and obligations.

Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities; displaying a sense of superiority or self-importance.

Possessing a high level of mental capacity and ability to understand, learn, and reason; capable of using logic and critical thinking to solve problems.

Based on sound judgment or reasoning; practical and realistic; capable of making rational decisions.

Dedicated to a cause or activity; willing to give time and energy to achieve a goal; having a strong belief in something.

Displaying quick, clever, and humorous verbal or written responses; characterized by a keen sense of humor and ability to make clever and amusing remarks.

Characterized by a tendency to think deeply and consider carefully one's actions, experiences, and beliefs; introspective.

Marked by a state of nervousness or anxiety; having a feeling of stress or strain; showing signs of being stretched tight or strained.

Characterized by a belief in the possibility of perfection or the realization of a lofty goal; guided by ideals rather than practical considerations.









