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Net Worth



Gross Profit Percentage

Intangible Assets

Compensation (or damages)

An Enterprise




a measure of how much money a company is borrowing from the banks.

It is a name or word, phrase, logo, symbol, design or sound that provides an identity to a product, service or company.

another word for a company, a business or a firm.

money taken from a business by the owner. They have nothing to do with the business and are NOT expenses or overheads.

money paid out to the shareholders of a company from the profits that the company has made. Paid once a year.

is a way of measuring the profitability of a business, but before looking at its expenses (overheads).

a licence issued by a government which gives the sole right (to exclude anybody else) from using, making or selling an invention.

Is money given to someone who has incurred (had or suffered) a loss or injury. Usually, this happens in a legal court case.

The total value of all the assets of a business or company, minus (less) all the liabilities that it owes. The total at the bottom of a Balance Sheet

These don’t have a physical existence. ( you can touch them)