Crear juego
Jugar Ordenar Palabras
1. What's your name?
is Mname MJim MMy. M
2. How old are you?
years II Iold Inine Iam. I
3. Where are you from?
from IArgentina II'm. I
4. What's your favourite fruit?
banana Mis Mfruit Mfavourite MMy. M
5. When is your birthday?
is Min Mbirthday MMarch MMy. M
6. When do you study English?
English IMondays Ion II Istudy. I
7. What's the weather like today?
sunny Tis TToday. T
8. Where is the book?
book Tis TThe Tthe Ton Ttable. T
9. What time do you have breakfast?
at II Ibreakfast Io'clock Ihave I7. I
10. Have you got a dog?
I, Y Yhave YYes. Y