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Jugar Ordenar Palabras
1. Put the words in the correct order
What's Wyour Wname Wdaughter's W? W
2. Put the words in the correct order
are Wthey Won WWhere Wholiday Wgoing W? W
3. Put the words in the correct order
your Iman IIs Ibrother Ithis I? I
4. Put the words in the correct order
for HMadrid Hlong Hwill Hin HSarah Hbe HHow H? H
5. Put the words in the correct order
your Athese AAre Abooks A? A
6. Put the words in the correct order
do Wyou Wwith Wlive WWho W? W
7. Put the words in the correct order
baby Wis Wthe WWhy Wcrying W? W
8. Put the words in the correct order
Whose Ware Wyou Wbrother W? W
9. Put the words in the correct order
sports Do Mary any practice John and ?
10. Put the words in the correct order
live DAmsterdam Din DDon't Dthey D? D