Crear actividad
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Activities are considered developmentally appropriate for children when they match the child’s interests, are age-appropriate, and when they match:

Children should be able to choose from at least _____ activities during activity time.

All early childhood centers must offer programs that:

What components do we look at in Developmentally Appropriate practice and lesson planning?

What is the purpose of a lesson plan?

Types of observations are…..

What is the purpose of a lesson plan?

Observations help teachers to do what?

Daily planned activities balance what:

Activities are considered developmentally appropriate for children when they match the child’s age, reflect the family practices, and when they match:

Guide for what students are learning Guide for how to teach the activity Guide on how learning is measured

Anecdotal records Photos Notes Checklists

We look at the age and skills to help the child master a goal they are working on.


Family/ Cultural Practices

Guide for what students are learning Guide for how to teach the activity

The child's interests

Learn behaviors of children learn what interests strengths and abilities of the children measures progress and mastery of skills

Allow for individual, small group, and large group activities. Provide daily for planned outdoor activities.

Indoor and outdoor play Active and quiet play Individual and group activities Protects from fatigue and over stimulation