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1. You should vaccinate your child against chickenpox before he/she turns years old.
de Dla Dvacunar Dcontra Dhijo Dde Dseis Dedad DDebe Dantes Dvaricela Daños Da Dque Dsu Dlos Dcumpla
2. You can't see him right now, he is in critical condition
No Nestá Nahora Nen, N Ncrítico Nverlo Npuede Nestado
3. The tests show that you have an iron deficiency.
hierro Lque Ltiene Lexámenes Lde LLos Lmuestran Luna Ldeficiencia Lusted L
4. It is almost impossible to look after a dementia patient without the help of a trained nurse
demencia Euna Eimposible Ecasi Ecuidar Eenfermera Ecapacitada Epaciente Ea EEs Esin Econ Ede Eun Ela Eayuda. E