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1 Reserved word in Java that when used, causes a given method to consider an object as shared
2 Type of programming that allows for the simultaneous occurrence of several control flows
3 Method of the Java Thread class with which it is possible to increase or decrease the priority of the execution threads
4 Java interface with which it is possible to create threads of execution
5 A type of thread that, when it enters the Runnable, continues to run until it dies.
6 One of the resources that are shared between threads in a process
7 Method of the Java Thread class used to stop the execution of the current thread for the number of milliseconds indicated by the parameter
8 Method of the Java Thread class with which a thread changes from the NEW THREAD state to the RUNNABLE state
9 Method of the Java Thread class used to stop the execution of the current thread and allow other threads with the same priority to execute.
10 Method of the Java Object class that stops the execution of a thread until it is notified of the possibility to continue