mi papa habia querido tener un yerno bueno
el habia necesitado medicinas antes
el habia buscado en internet
porque no habian adoptado antes un perro?
yo habia querido comprar el vaso ese
no habias querido viajar antes?
ellos habian jugado con ella
la gente habia buscado mucho lo nuevo
yo habia comprado una lapicera
mi mamá habia tardado tanto que llegue tarde
mi papá habia sido operado
ellas habian tenido novio
los gatos habian maullado toda la noche
los doctores habian necesitado ayuda
no habian querido comprarlo antes?
ustedes habian deseado ser novios
porque habian tenido un gato si les da alergia?
todos habiamos reprobado
el habia querido tener novia
ustedes habian buscado antes en internet
my father had wanted to have a good son-in-law
I had wanted to buy that glass
we had all failed
he had wanted to have a girlfriend
the doctors had needed help
my mom had taken so long that i was late
he had needed medicine before
people had searched a lot for the new
he had searched the internet
my dad had undergone surgery
I had bought a pen
had not wanted to buy it before?
you had not wanted to travel before?
you had searched before on the internet
Why had they had a cat if it gives them allergies?
Why hadn't they adopted a dog before?
they had played with her
you had wanted to be boyfriends
the cats had meowed all night
they had had a boyfriend