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This is our final offer – TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.

This job is still UP FOR GRABS if you want it.

It was UP IN THE AIR whether or not I would be going on this trip.

David and Kate were arguing about the temperature that day, it was very hot. Kate said it was 32 °C and David thought it was 33 °C. John told them not to SPLIT HAIRS, it was still very hot!

No decision has been taken about where to build the new school, the city council is still SITTING ON THE FENCE.

Annette seems like the perfect candidate, but the fact that she was fired from her last job RAISES RED FLAGS

You’ve been OUT OF THE LOOP on the new marketing plan. Let me bring you up to date.

If you’ve thought things through and are comfortable with your decision, just STICK TO YOUR GUNS

You’ve kept us waiting for weeks on the decision. It’s time to FISH OR CUT BAIT.

I TOOK A BACK SEAT and allowed my daughter to decorate the cake.

(exclamation) make a decision or give somebody else a chance

not part of a group that’s kept informed about sth

(command) either accept something without any change or refuse it

warn of trouble ahead

refuse to change your opinion or decision

not yet decided


argue over issues that are not important

not to participate in issue or situation, allow other people to have leading position

avoid making a decision or choice