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John Deer

Memorized machine parts and brought the idea to the United States.

Started textile mills in Massachusetts and hired women to work in them.

Interchangeable Parts

Mechanical Reaper

Invented by Elias Howe that allowed ready-made clothing to be produced faster.

Robert Fulton

New England

Bessemer Steel Production

Cotton Gin

Samuel Morse

Francis Cabot Lowell

Invented by Cyrus McCormick which cut grain faster.

Led to mass production of goods and lowered prices

Clean seeds out of cotton, increased the production of cotton and slavery

the steam boat the Clermont was invented by him.

Invented the steel plow

Sewing Machine

This is the region of the United States that the Industrial Revolution began in.

This invention helped the railroad industry

He impacted communication by developing a code to use with the telegraph

Samuel Slator