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It is a habit to use social media in every room of the house, which has decreased time spent with others.

Some people feel lonely or upset after spending time on certain social media platforms.

Unknown people try to follow your social media profile and leave harmful messages.

Starting your day on social media can be harmful to mental health.

Some people are unaware of just how much time they spend on certain social media apps.

Social media is hard to ignore due to constant alerts that draw your attention to it.

Delete platforms that leave you with negative feelings after use.

Allow some living areas in your home to be social media free, such as the dinner table.

Turn off distracting notification that tempt you to constantly check social media.

Take time off of social media in the morning.

Set a time goal and enable built in timers that track time spent on a certain social media app.

Set your settings to private and block unknown users to avoid cyber bullying.