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They have great social

They are willing and able to discuss

Emotionally intelligent people pay

They understand how

They are

They are able to

They are able to correctly identify the

reasons of their emotions.

regulate their emotions. Self-regulation is absolutely central to emotional intelligence. Understanding your emotions is great, but not particularly useful if you cannot make use of this knowledge. Emotionally intelligent people think before they act on their feelings.

other people feel. Empathy is another of Goleman's major elements of emotional intelligence.  This involves the ability to understand the emotions of other people.

skills. They know how to deal with people effectively, and they are invested in maintaining healthy social relationships and helping those around them succeed.

motivated.  They might be nervous about making a change in their lives, but they know that managing this fear is important.

feelings with others. Emotionally intelligent people not only understand feelings, they know how to express them appropriately.

attention to what they are feeling.