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Marbury vs. Madison

Time period where there was peace and prosperity along with a strong sense of nationalism in the Country.

James Madison

XYZ Affair

Whiskey Rebellion

Alexander Hamilton

Wanted the common man to rule, France as an ally, and state's to have more power

Economy becomes Industrialized. Native Americans are weakened Strong Nationalism

Stated that there would be no more colonies in the Western Hemisphere

Impressment War Hawks Western Frontier Tensions

Andrew Jackson

James Monroe

Washington's Farewell Address

Wanted to create a national debt and open a national bank

He doubled the size of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase

Effects of the War of 1812

Pennsylvania farmers rebelled against a tax on Whiskey, was the first test of the new gov't

The US almost goes to war with France under Pres. Adams

Was the first President to ask Congress to declare war against England causing the War of 1812

Believed that the United States should stay neutral in European problems

Era of Good Feelings

Gave warning to the American people. Talked about not forming permanent alliances and stated the political parties were only going to divide the country.

War hero from the Battle of New Orleans

Monroe Doctrine

Landmark Supreme Court case that established judicial review

Ideas of the Democratic-Republican party

Signed the Alien and Sedition Acts that took away the 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech right.

His presidency is called the Era of Good Feelings

Causes of the War of 1812