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Jugar Crucigrama
1 es una especie de cetáceo misticeto de la familia Balaenidae propia del Hemisferio Sur.
2 It is an endangered species belonging to the family of Rhinocerotidae and one of only five species of recent rhinos
3 It is a process caused by the action of humans, in which the forest area is destroyed or exhausted, generally with the aim of allocating the land to another activity.
4 is a foamed plastic material used in the Construction sector, mainly as thermal and acoustic insulation, in the field of Packing and Packaging for different sectors of activity and in a series of diverse applications.
5 is a chemical compound used to kill insects
6 is illegal hunting or fishing, in prohibited
7 semillas, bayas, frutas, insectos, otras aves, huevos, mamíferos pequeños, peces, brotes, larvas, invertebrados acuáticos, bellotas y otras nueces, vegetación acuática, cereales, animales muertos, basura, y mucho más
8 It is the occupation by water of areas that are usually free of it, by overflow of rivers, torrents or ravines, by torrential rains, melting ice, by rising tides above the usual level, by tidal waves, hurricanes, among others.
9 an electric device with blades that turn quickly, used to move the air around