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Teflon: tubes, catheters, profiles, sheets and film, and coatings for pots and pans. Polycarbonates: CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, cases and packages... Polymethyl methacrylate: Plates and sheets, tubes, bars and blocks...

Bottles for water, fizzy drinks and detergents, electrical insulation film and fibres for rope and fabrics.

Garden furniture, car parts, corrugated pipes for electric wiring, fibres for rope and fabrics, packaging, bottles and film.

Plastic bags, bottles and disposable kitchenware such as plates, glasses and cutlery, film for cover agricultural plantations and toys.

Rigid: Profiles for construction, pipes and bottles. Flexible: Electric cable and wire insulations, garden hoses, inflatable and swimming pool toys, clothing and footwear.

Food packaging, pipes for drinking water, toys and protective equipment such as helmets and knee pads.

Wrappers, containers and packaging for food, the plastic shell of electronic appliances, toys and the inner coatings applied to fridges. EPS is used to make packaging to protect fragile products. It is used in thermal and acoustic insulation in foam form.