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The most practical solution for this city is to increase bike lanes. On streets where we added bike lanes, the number of cyclists increased by 15%. On streets without lanes, accidents between vehicles and cyclists were more likely to happen and resulted in more serious injuries.

In areas with no traffic lights, people drive more slowly and accidents are reduced. Drivers pay attention to traffic lights. However, when they are not there, drivers pay more attention to the people and cars around them. They drive more slowly and this results in fewer accidents.

The government can only do so much to protect people from themselves on the road. Most countries have penalties for speeding. In addition, there are now laws that require people to wear seatbelts, which reduce likelihood of dying in an accident by 45%. However, some people do not follow these laws, and traffic accidents continue to kill.

Unless the rail system is extended to the outskirts of the city, people will not use it. About 55% of people who work downtown live five or more miles outside of the city limits, and 50% of them drive to work. However, 35% said if rail was added, they would use it.

Traffic signs are not just for vehicles. Cyclists also need to follow traffic rules. As the number of cyclists has increased in the city, so too has the number of accidents. Eighty percent of car and bike accidents occur at traffic lights or stop signs, and many of these happen when drivers or cyclists do not stop.

If we are to reduce the number of accidents, both drivers and cyclists must obey traffic signs.

If we want people to use alternative transportation, we need to set up a system that safely supports cyclists.

The real solution is for people to take responsibility for the people in their car and their actions on the road.

The majority of commuters to the city live outside of it, and we need public transportation to match this.

While traffic lights seem like they help traffic flow, people actually pay more attention and reduce their speed without them.