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Don’t wait for me.

Don’t eat the salad in Guatemala. Don’t eat it.

Don’t come late to the parade.

Don’t touch it.

Don’t tell me the secret. Don’t tell it to me.

Don’t run; another train is coming.

Don’t be afraid.

Don’t give us bad news.

Don’t be jealous.

Don’t lend money to her. Don’t lend it to her.

Don’t worry.

Don’t go away.

Don’t do it.

Don’t bring candies to the child. Don’t bring them to him.

No comas la ensalada en Guatemala. No la comas.

No nos des malas noticias.

No le prestes dinero a ella. No se lo prestes.

No me esperes.

No te vayas.

No tengas miedo.

No vengas tarde al desfile.

No lo toques.

No le traigas dulces al niño. No se los traigas.

No corras; otro tren viene.

No lo hagas.

No te preocupes.

No tengas envidia.

No me digas el secreto. No me lo digas.