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Habeas corpus

freedom of opinion, expression, and speech

"freedom of the press"

mobility rights

"freedom of conscience and religion"

"freedom of association"

live in harmony in a pluralistic society

the dignity and worth of the human person

Minority Language Education Rights

Canadian law has several sources

"freedom of thought"

"which dates back to the signing of..."

...guarantee to honour any treaties , rights, or freedoms....

"recognize the supremacy of God"

"peaceful assembly"

that began with the official adoption of...

group gathering

the right to challenge unlawful detention by the state

Canadian government must use both English and French equally in Parliament and in the government

you can say what you want to say

Where does Canadian law come from?

respect many ways of doing things, and many different believes

...will keep all of the promises in the agreements...

every person is important

you can have your own ideas

you can believe what you want

you can print or publish what you want

freedom to live and work anywhere in Canada

you can meet or be friends with whoever you want

religious traditions are important