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¿Alguna vez ve películas o programas de televisión en inglés?

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The use of the adverb in questions

You must always try your best.

¿A qué hora te vas a la cama normalmente?

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What do you usually do on Saturday nights?

I have never visited Turkey.

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also when asking questions, use the adverb of frequency in a simple way

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What are adverbs of frequency?

How to place the adverb of frequency?

Does she always work so hard?

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Nunca he visitado Turquía.

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¿Qué sueles hacer los sábados por la noche?

Adverbs of frequency are the words that tell us how often an action is performed.

¿Con qué frecuencia practicas deporte o vas al gimnasio?

are placed before the main verb

¿Llegas a veces tarde al trabajo o la escuela?

¿Con qué frecuencia comes en un restaurante?

examples of adverbs of frequency

If there is a modal verb in the sentence, the adverb of frequency is placed after it and before the main verb.

Are you sometimes late for work or school?

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How often do you play sport or go to the gym?

How often do you see your best friend?

Adverbs of frequency with modal and auxiliary verbs