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Dear Maria
hi ¡ How ____________________ you ? I hoe you are well and that you like your new town .
you wanted to know if Majagual has ____________________ a little bit or still the same .
Well , you wouldn't recognise this place now .
The council has ____________________ really fast . He ____________________ already made a lot improvements .
First , They have ____________________ finished the project to beautify all the street . they have planted ____________________ and grass along the street . They have added benches and trash cans in keys areas . All the electric lines are now underground . it really looks great ¡ Also , now they have tree protection zone streets . They have already ____________________ some trees along the specific streets to create a greener enviroment . Even though , they ____________________ planted all the trees ____________________ , I just love taking walks through the town . There is another project they haven't ____________________ yet ''a good trail'' . They will have bicycle lanes and other facilities . They are still planning , so they haven´t really ____________________ yet .
you really should come back and visit to see how much the town ____________________ changed . I'd love to see you .
Take care and write ____________________
Love ,

Jo i