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1 (IR(and)CA – four words) 1986 – Law attempting to minimize illegal immigration while expressing acceptance and giving rights to people already inside the US, setting fines for employers hiring illegals and anti-foreign-discrimination rules. (p72)
2 (3 words) These limited Euopean nationality immigration to 2 percent. They formed a 1924 Act. (page 66) based on the accumulated part of the American polutation of each European national background and the increase of each between 1790 and 1920, which cut the XXXXXXXX for all Euopean nations but the UK by one-half to two-thirds. Came into effect in 1929 and ended in 1965
3 (2 words) In English, ________ __________ are collectively referred to by different names that vary by region and include such ethnonyms as Native Americans, Amerindians, and American Indians. (page 57 refers to stereotypes made by European settlers)
4 (2 words) Horace Kallen coined the term “_________ _________” - the belief in a collection of cultures united by loyalty to the same political and civic ideals.
5 (2 words) 2006 – From February to May, Latino groups gathered hundreds of thousands of legal and illegal immigrats to march in protest against a bill making illegal entry a crime for both the immigrants and the helpers, boycotting their jobs on May-Day.
6 (2 words) To escape religious oppression in England, the Pilgrims, a snall group of radical separatists from the Church of England, founded the first of the _____ _______ in 1620 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. (p58)
7 (2 words) (1965) “Brain drain” of 1952 reserved first 50% of visas for people with needed skills and replaced national origins quotas (i.e. the founders and other Europeans) with hemispheric limits to annual immigration, particularly with immigrants accepted being relatives of American citizens or resident aliens. (p67-68) (1990) Raised number of immigrant visas, the limits for individual nations and the number of asylum seekers who could remain in the US, removing restrictions on many groups entering like homosexuals, communists, 1965 affectees, relatives etc.
8 (2 words) The act of moving first to the cities and after some years from there to a foreign country.
9 (2 words) In the ___ _______, German families lived so closely together in some areas that others found it hard to settle among them (p60)
10 (2 words) 1820-1890 The second wave (page 61-62) Religious persecution (German jews) , European intellectuals and political activists and an “unlimited” supply of land.
11 (2 words) Economic _ ___ were decisive for most if tge so-called “old” northwestern immigrants. (p62) The dream of bettering their children’s future (p64)
12 ________ ___________ such as unlimited supply of land and work in railroad companies and state and territorial governments sending immigration agents to Europe to recruit people with promises of cheap fertile farms or jobs with wages much higher than they could earn at home attracted people to the US.
13 (2 words) metaphor for cultural pluralism as opposed to multiculturalism where multiple traditions are the ideal and no group receives priority (p56)
14 (2 words) (1965-present) At its pèak in the 90s, some 9.5 million more newcomers arrived. In 2007 no Europeans were in the ten largest immigrant group. Three-qaurters were Latino or Asian. The most diverse the US has seen.
15 (2 words) The 2002 USA _____ __________ developed new biometric identity checks to regulate entry, conducted intensified surveillance of the foreign-born and called in immigrants, especially Arab Americans, for questioning and possible detention or deportation (p74).
16 (2 words) Referrring to the period 1680-1776 when mainly Scots-Irish, many Germans, Irish The French (Catholics, Huguenots and Jews) arrived voluntarily. (p60)
17 The state where the English established their first permanent settlement (Jamestown) in 1607.
18 The dislike of people and things foreign which plagued “old” immigrants in spite of their apparent similarity to native born Americans.
19 Considered not to be immigrants because they created the customs, laws and institutions to which later arrivals had to adjust. (page 57)
20 The __________ program imported temporary farm labour from Mexico due to wartime labour shortages, 1942 - 1964 (page 67)
21 The Immigration Act of nineteen - ________ raised the total of imigrant visas and removed restrictions on gays, communists.