Sus actividades

  • Relacionar Columnas


    Relacionar Columnas

    Vocabulario relacionado a partes de la cara

  • Memory

    Vocabulario básico relacionado a: Partes de la cara

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Los planos de las casas

    Relacionar Columnas

    Escucha las descripciones de las casas y únelas con las imágenes correctas

  • Sí o No

    Select YES if what I say matches the word/phrase. Otherwise, select NO

  • Sí o No

    Select YES if what I say matches the word or if the translation if correct. Otherwise, select NO

  • Dictado

    Días y meses


    Dictado con palabras y expresiones relacionadas a los días de la semana y los meses del año

  • Presentación

    Mi cantante favorito


    Mi cantante favorito

  • Completar texto

    Students reinforce the differences between 'hoy' y 'mañana.

  • Completar texto

    Students reinforce the differences between 'hoy' y 'mañana.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Pon las palabras en el orden correcto y completa el refrán

  • Memory

    Juego de la memoria para practicar el vocabulario de las cartas del juego de la lotería mexicana

  • Crucigrama

    A crossword to review some words we looked at in class (fish, umbrella, bottle, etc.)

  • Froggy Jumps

    Questions that help us review our basic Spanish Class Survival Expressions and the spelling of words in Spanish.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    ¡Encima de la mesa!

    Mapa Interactivo

    Don't forget your periods at the end of every sentence. Also, if you hear a question, don't forget the inverted question mark at the beginning and the regular question mark at the end (¿?).

  • Mapa Interactivo

    Siempre es bueno repasar! It's always good to review!

  • Completar texto

    Oraciones para practicar el vocabulario relacionado a objetos del salón de clase y objetos que están en la cartuchera y/o mochila

  • Video Quiz

    Rompe la piñata

    Video Quiz

    Canción popular en países latinoamericanos

  • Rosco de Palabras


    Rosco de Palabras

    Hispanic Heritage Month

  • Crucigrama

    Words related to survival expressions in Spanish.

  • Crucigrama

    Conjugando en subjuntivo es DIVERTIDO! Subjuntivo para Mandatos Informales Negativos TÚ. Verbos regulares, irregulares, reflexivos.

  • Completar texto

    Acostumbrándonos a las variaciones de las raíces para los verbos -ir en el Pretérito. Recordemos que sólo hacemos estos cambios (e-i /o-u) en el Pretérito, con los verbos -ir, sólo en la tercera pers...

  • Crucigrama

    Conjugando en subjuntivo es DIVERTIDO! Subjuntivo para Imperativos y Buenos Deseos.

  • Crucigrama


  • Crucigrama

    Yendo de vacaciones



  • Completar texto

    Repaso Presente y Pasado

    Completar texto

    Repaso del Presente Simple y el Pretérito indefinido Recuerda. Presente simple: yo -o él/ella/usted -a/-e tú -as/-es nosotros -amos/-emos/-i...

  • Dictado

    Escucha y escribe las frases útiles que dicen los meseros y clientes en un restaurante.

  • Sopa de letras

    Como Pinocho (D)

    Sopa de letras

    'Te va a crecer la nariz como a Pinocho' Encuentra tantas palabras como sea posible relacionadas a 'Las Mentiras'

  • Sopa de letras

    Como Pinocho

    Sopa de letras

    'Te va a crecer la nariz como a Pinocho' Encuentra tantas palabras como sea posible relacionadas a 'Las Mentiras'

  • Test

    Chistes en español donde se usan mandatos informales positivos.

  • Crucigrama


  • Dictado


  • Test

    Aprendizaje de la estructura 'No + verbo + más que' para expresar la idea de: Solamente. Es importante notar que la estructura siempre incluye el verbo en negativo (no+verbo) y 'más que'. NO ES CORRE...

  • Test

    Special dates. How to write when some holidays are celebrated around the world.

  • Completar texto

    Reportando en pasado

    Completar texto

    Reportando en pasado con oraciones en estilo directo que usan el presente simple de indicativo y el pretérito imperfecto. El presente cambia al pretérito imperfecto. El futuro simple cambia a la f...

  • Crucigrama

    Verbos irregulares en la primera y tercera persona singular en el Pretérito Indefinido.

  • Test

    Para practicar las conjugaciones de los verbos relacionados a biografías. Primera persona singular YO Tercera persona singular ÉL/ELLA/USTED Se ven dos verbos irregulares: 1) tener, 2) ir

  • Completar texto

    Nivel básico

  • Test

    Identificar si el verbo debe estar en su forma indicativa y subjuntiva. Determinar el tipo de Matriz.

  • Crucigrama

    Conjugando en subjuntivo es DIVERTIDO! Dudo que SEA aburrido. Me encanta que SEA tan simple y lógico! Quiero que APRENDAS el subjuntivo a la perfección!

  • Dictado

    Ejercicios de dictado de oraciones para que el alumno se familiarice con términos relacionados a la ropa y compra de ropa en las tiendas. Además, se trabaja en frases para expresar opinión sobre la r...

  • Crucigrama



    Vocabulario relacionado a Bienes Raíces y vivienda en general.

  • Completar texto

    Pésima suerte (D)

    Completar texto

    El día de ayer fue fatal! Completa el texto con el pretérito indefinido.

  • Completar texto

    Pésima suerte

    Completar texto

    El día de ayer fue fatal! Completa el texto con el pretérito indefinido.

  • Test

    Chistecitos para reírnos un ratito.

  • Test

    Para que + subjuntivo. Para que= In order for me/he/she, etc. to. Para que= So that he/she/you, etc.

  • Completar texto

    Indirect object pronouns II

    Completar texto

    This activity is meant to help the student learn to place the indirect object pronoun in two different positions when the sentence has two verbs: A helping verb and a main verb. The pronoun can go rig...

  • Test

    Diseñado para que los alumnos practiquen la pronunciación de los verbos en pretérito indefinido (pretérito perfecto simple)

  • Crucigrama

    Esta actividad es para practicar la conjugación de los verbos que terminan en 'er'. Las terminaciones son í, imos, ió, iste, ieron. Recuerda que estas terminaciones son exactamente las mismas para lo...

  • Completar texto

    Esta actividad está diseñada para ayudarte a conjugar verbos con cambio de raíz en el pretérito indefinido. Recuerda que la raíz 'e' cambia a 'i' y la raíz 'o' cambia a 'u'.

  • Completar texto

    ¿LE(S) o LA(S), LO(S)?

    Completar texto

    This activity is for the student to get more practice identifying whether the words in capital letters in the sentences here should be replaced with le/les because they are indirect objects or with la...

  • Completar texto

    This activity should help the student become more familiar with the indirect object pronouns (IOP). They should also remember that we can't use the IOP and another direct object phrase in the same sen...

  • Completar texto

    Pronombres de doble objeto

    Completar texto

    This activity is meant to help the student become familiar with double object pronouns in the indicative mood.

  • Completar texto

    Stem changing verbs Basic

    Completar texto

    This is for the student to become familiar with the most basic verbs that go through stem changes in the present simple tense. This exercise should also help the student to conjugate verbs correctly ...

  • Completar texto

    Para practicar las conjugaciones de jugar con el pronombre de objeto indirecto correcto.

  • Completar texto

    Para practicar las conjugaciones de jugar con el pronombre de objeto indirecto correcto.

  • Test

    This activity is meant to help the student talk about for how long they have been doing something like driving, studying Spanish, working for a particular company, living in a particular area, etc. ...

  • Test

    This activity is meant for the student to learn how to identify whether a complement is the direct or indirect object by asking a simple question.

  • Completar texto

    Repaso de verbos con POI

    Completar texto

    Review of verbs that need to be used with indirect object pronouns.

  • Completar texto

    Indirect object pronouns (me,te,le,les,nos) are always used with verbs like gustar. For example: Me gusta estudiar español. (Literal: To study Spanish is pleasing to me). In this activity students wi...

  • Completar texto

    This activity will help the student become more familiar with the indirect object pronoun used with verbs that also take a direct object such as comprar, mostrar, explicar, prometer, preguntar, etc. ...

  • Crucigrama

    These are useful adjectives that students should be familiar with to be able to describe places, situations, and people.

  • Completar texto

    El arte de la conversación

    Completar texto

    Esta actividad sirve para que el alumno, además de desarrollar su habilidad para entender el español oral, inicie una exploración sobre el arte de conversar, tan importante en muchos ámbitos y, sobre ...

  • Crucigrama

    Adjetivos útiles I


    These are useful adjectives that students should be familiar with to be able to describe places, situations, and people.

  • Test

    These exercises will help the student learn words that are key to expressing more ideas in both oral and written texts as they help link sentences while giving them specific meanings such as oppositi...

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to practice verbs like GUSTAR that are used with indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, les, nos). Here they will review the following verbs: FALTAR, HACER FALTA, QUE...

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to practice verbs like GUSTAR that are used with indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, les, nos). Here they will review the following verbs: FALTAR, HACER FALTA, QUE...

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to practice verbs like GUSTAR that are used with indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, les, nos). Here they will review the following verbs: GUSTAR, AGRADAR, ENCANTA...

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to practice verbs like GUSTAR that are used with indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, les, nos).

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to learn how to use indirect object pronouns by working with the verb GUSTAR (to be pleasing). The indirect object pronouns are me, te, le, les, nos.

  • Test

    This activity will help the student use reflexive pronouns correctly, depending on who performs the action (the pronoun). The reflexive pronouns are me, te, se, nos.

  • Completar texto

    This activity should help the student get practice conjugating daily routines-related verbs that go through stem changes. Some are reflexive verbs, some are non reflexive verbs.

  • Test

    This activity is meant to help the student describe their daily routines. The student will also become familiar with reflexive verbs.

  • Test

    This activity is meant to help the student memorize some of the stem changing verbs. They will also start to get familiar with the stem changes.

  • Completar texto

    The student becomes familiar with verbs related to jobs.

  • Test

    This activity is meant to help the student talk about for how long they have been doing something like driving, studying Spanish, working for a particular company, living in a particular area, etc. ...

  • Test

    This activity will help the student become familiar with vocabulary related to social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

  • Completar texto

    Adjetivos de Cantidad

    Completar texto

    The student becomes familiar with adjectives that express quantity and is aware of whether they should be written in the singular/plural and feminine/masculine form.

  • Crucigrama

    Test de vocabulario


    This is an activity for the student to learn new words that might be useful to describe things likes a home, their job, their car, etc.

  • Dictado

    This activity is for the student to become familiar with the new words and expressions looked at so far.

  • Completar texto

    Rutinas y ahora

    Completar texto

    This activity should help the student get more acquainted with frequency adverbs and expressions to talk about routines and what people are doing at the moment. Remember that to describe routines or ...

  • Completar texto

    Situación 1 (D)

    Completar texto

    This activity is for the student to get some more practice understanding texts and the main idea in it by filling out the blanks. This activity can be used as vocabulary practice too.

  • Completar texto

    Situación 2

    Completar texto

    This activity is for the student to get some more practice understanding texts and the main idea in it by filling out the blanks. This activity can be used as vocabulary practice too.

  • Completar texto

    Situación 1

    Completar texto

    This activity is for the student to get some more practice understanding texts and the main idea in it by filling out the blanks. This activity can be used as vocabulary practice too.

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to practice the correct spelling of numbers from 0 through 29.

  • Dictado

    This activity is aimed at helping the student improve their listening skills. These sentences talk about routines and hobbies, therefore they are in the present simple tense. Most of the sentences use...

  • Dictado

    This activity should help the student get familiar with regular verbs in the present progressive tense by listening to sentences read out loud by a native speaker (myself) which the student will have ...

  • Crucigrama

    This is for the student to test their knowledge of verb conjugation in the present simple tense as well as the present progressive tense. Both regular and irregular verbs too! THIS ACTIVITY IS TOUGH...

  • Completar texto

    Adverbios de frecuencia

    Completar texto

    This activity should help the student get more familiar with adverbs of frequency to talk about what their routines and hobbies are. The student will also get used to using the present simple tense w...

  • Test

    This activity is for the students to accurately conjugate three reflexive verbs with the pronouns ÉL and ELLA. We are working with three reflexive verbs here: quitarse, ponerse, sentarse. When worki...

  • Completar texto

    Expresiones en español 1

    Completar texto

    Tener ganas de...= to feel like... Tener hambre= to be hungry Tener suerte= to be lucky Tratar de... = to try to... Acabar de... to have just (with past participle) Volver a...= to do something a...

  • Test



    This activity is for the student to be able to tell the time in Spanish and understand the difference between telling what time it is and what time something is at.

  • Crucigrama

    Maratón de verbos


    This is for the student to test their knowledge of verb conjugation in the present simple tense as well as the present progressive tense. Both regular and irregular verbs too!

  • Test

    This activity helps students get more used to understanding stem changing verbs in the media. They can see them in commercial breaks, billboards, Facebook posts, etc! Learn and enjoy! ¡Aprende y d...

  • Test

    Students get more used to the correct use of ME TE SE when used with the verb 'llamarse' and learn to use possessive adjectives mi, tu and su when needed. They also learn the difference between tú (y...

  • Test

    This activity is for the student to learn the conjugations of verbs that are irregular in the first person singular (yo).

  • Completar texto

    Adjetivos Posesivos

    Completar texto

    The student becomes familiar with the possessive adjectives in Spanish mi(s), nuestro/a(s), tu(s), su(s).

  • Completar texto

    Cómo escribir fechas

    Completar texto

    This activity is meant to help the student get used to writing dates in Spanish the correct way. The student is expected to spell the days of the week and months of the year correctly too.

  • Test

    This activity is meant for the student to get used to questions that are commonly asked when meeting someone for the first time. These are also questions that are made when asking about someone else....

  • Completar texto


    Completar texto

    This activity is meant to help the student become a little bit more familiar with the use of 'de' to show possession. In Spanish, we do not have a possessive 's. Instead, we use 'de'. Ejemplo: Carla's...

  • Completar texto

    This activity is for the student to get more familiar with the conjugations of REGULAR VERBS in the present simple based on the ending of the verb in its infinitive form (-ar/-er/-ir) and the pronoun ...

  • Completar texto

    The student becomes familiar with verbs related to jobs.

  • Test

    This activity is meant to help the student review the conjugation of verbs in the present simple tense. This activity should also help the student get some more practice to correctly conjugate stem ...

  • Test

    This activity will help the student become more familiar with countries and nationalities in Spanish as well as some other structure you use to express where you come from and where you live.

  • Completar texto

    This activity should help the student conjugate the verb 'estar' correctly as well as the main verb with the right ending (-ando/-iendo).

  • Test

    The student will learn how to talk about the future by using the verb IR, conjugated according to the pronoun. They also learn that the verb after IR+A has to be in its infinitive form.

  • Test

    This activity will help the student decide whether a noun takes article EL o LA.

  • Completar texto

    Gender of Nouns and EL/LA

    Completar texto

    This activity will help the student become familiar with the general rules (not absolute) to know whether a noun in Spanish is masculine or femenine. We will be working with the singular definite art...

  • Completar texto

    Conjug. Stem Ch. V PrSimple

    Completar texto

    This activity is for the student to gain practice conjugating Stem Changing verbs in the Present Simple tense. There are mainly three changes, not considering u-ue as only the verb jugar is in this c...

  • Test

    Vocabulary related to free time activities.

  • Completar texto

    Frases de Opinión

    Completar texto

    Basic phrases to express opinion when describing photos or pictures in general. It is very important to use them in order to sound more natural and accurate about what you are and aren't very sure ab...

  • Completar texto

    Students learn Irregular Present Progressive/Continuous Verbs in their infinitive forms. The main focus of this activity is memorization of vocabulary.

  • Test

    Basic vocabulary related to clothing.

  • Test

    Verbos (I)


    A list of some useful verbs in their infinitive forms for students to memorize in order to use them in the Present Continuous/Progressive tense. In the continuous form, these are verbs do not go thro...

  • Test

    These exercises will help the student become familiar with the basics of the Present Continuous/Progressive tense. 1. Regular present progressive verbs 2. Structure: estar+verb(-ando/-iendo) Exampl...

  • Completar texto

    Madres en la Red Test vocab

    Completar texto

    Test del vocabulario aprendido en el video: Madres en la Red, para que los alumnos se familiaricen más con estas frases idiomáticas y vocabulario nuevo en general.

  • Video Quiz

    En esta entrevista, las personas dan su opinión sobre el beneficio del portal Madres en la Red.

  • Completar texto

    To describe situations happening at the moment in Spanish, we can use the present simple or the present continuous. For example: She is reading a book. = Ella ESTÁ LEYENDO un libro. ...

  • Completar texto

    To describe situations happening at the moment in Spanish, we can use the present simple or the present continuous. For example: She is reading a book. = Ella ESTÁ LEYENDO un libro. ...

  • Video Quiz

    Students learn to sing the popular song: Cumpleaños Feliz (Happy Birthday)!

  • Completar texto

    Presentándote (Completa)

    Completar texto

    "Introducing yourself" This activity helps the student become more familiar with the formal and informal expressions to be used when meeting someone for the very first time so that they can give a goo...

  • Completar texto

    Presentándote (Clickar)

    Completar texto

    "Introducing yourself" This activity helps the student become more familiar with the formal and informal expressions to be used when meeting someone for the very first time so that they can give a goo...

  • Test

    "Introducing yourself" This activity helps the student become more familiar with the formal and informal expressions to be used when meeting someone for the very first time so that they can give a go...

  • Test



    This activity is a set of questions about a text titled "El tren", from the book Easy Spanish Step by Step by Barbara Bregstein.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Poema Sin ti Audio

    Relacionar Columnas

    Activity to help students understand Spanish phrases from a poem.

  • Completar texto

    Poema Sin ti

    Completar texto

    Students get to practice the conjugation of mainly stem changing verbs in the present simple tense through a love poem.

  • Test

    Practice the Present Simple tense by conjugating verbs that go through stem changes. There are 4: e-ie o-ue e-i u-ue (jugar)

  • Test

    This activity helps students become familiar with verbs in the present continuous tense. These exercises are more focused on the acquisition of vocabulary rather than conjugation and spelling variatio...

  • Completar texto

    Stem changing verbs PS

    Completar texto

    Stem changing verbs (-er/-ir) in the Presente Simple tense. Verbos: -er: entender (to understand), querer (to want), perder (to lose), poder (to be able to), creer (to believe), tener (to have) ...

  • Completar texto

    This activity helps students conjugate irregular present progressive verbs: o-u e-i -yendo

  • Video Quiz

    El mariachi

    Video Quiz

    Una actividad para desarrollar mejor el oído para el español a través de la música. Una canción realmente divertida!

  • Video Quiz

    Canción para practicar el subjuntivo imperfecto y el condicional.

  • Test

    ¿Reconoces todos los números del 0 al 100?

  • Dictado

    In this activity you will practice basic vocabulary to greet people, ask how they are and for their names as well as other people's names, in an informal way.

  • Test

    Mira la imagen y escribe qué profesion es.