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It was the night of Al's ____________________ . I got ____________________ about seven .
Then I put the kids to ____________________ , and made supper for John . He
____________________ talk to me - he just sat in front of the TV with the
food and his ____________________ of whisky . So I thought , I'm going
out . I'll go say Happy Birthday to Al . Even Al can't be as
____________________ as this . And he ls my brother .
I had some more ____________________ and syringes for him , from the
____________________ , so I put them in nice ____________________ like presents . 'Like
sweets for a ____________________ , ' I thought . 'Al's just a big baby , really ,
with his music and a lot of ____________________ cars to play with . Or
a ____________________ . And I'm like his ____________________ . '
When I got to his house , it was very quiet . There were
only one or two ____________________ on downstairs . And the big black
car was ____________________ .