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Contemporary Art


Pop Art

Genre Scene

Still Life




Art that incorporates popular culture, often using imagery from advertisements, consumer products, and mass media.

A symbolic representation in art, often used to convey abstract ideas or moral lessons.

A painting that showcases inanimate objects like fruits, flowers, utensils, or everyday items arranged in a specific composition.

Art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality but instead uses shapes, colors, forms, etc.

Art created in the present time, often reflecting current cultural and societal influences.

An art style known for its grandeur, dramatic use of light and shadow, and ornate decoration.

A painting that primarily depicts natural scenery such as mountains, forests, rivers, or countryside.

A period in art history known for its revival of classical art, characterized by realistic representation and perspective.

A work of art that focuses on depicting a person, often emphasizing their facial features and personality.

A painting that depicts scenes from everyday life, often focusing on people in various activities.